
The coach that turns into a boat

The AmphiCoach, the brainchild of Scotsman George Smith, is an aluminum
50-seater vehicle that can glide on fresh or seawater. Built in Malta, the metal
has a corrosion barrier and the company claims the bus can withstand 3,500 hours
of constant use without any adverse effects, the Daily Mail reported.

The AmphiCoach moves across the water. [Photo: chinanews.com.cn]
The AmphiCoach moves across the water. [Photo: chinanews.

As a coach, the vehicle can travel at normal road-speeds up to 70mph. When it
gets to water, the coach can simply drive into the sea where, with a flick of a
switch and without stopping, the wheels retract into the hull and an air-piston
begins powering the boat across the waves.

With the wheels out of the way, the coach is now the equivalent of a
fully-fledged catamaran, with a stable base, and a cruising speed of six knots
and a maximum of eight knots.

Next stop--dry land: The Amphicoach takes a trip over water and then heads back to the coast. [Photo: chinanews.com.cn]
Next stop--dry land: The Amphicoach takes a trip over water
and then heads back to the coast. [Photo: chinanews.com.cn]

Managing director Steve Smith said: 'It's a seamless transition from road to
water. Once at sea the steering wheel makes way for a joystick and there's no
need for the vehicle to stop while the wheels lift and the jet propulsion takes

Each of the vehicles costs 280,000 GBP and Amphicoach say they can build 12
ship-shape roadsters every year.

'Soon people will no longer be satisfied with just a city coach tour, they
will want the complete package, a city coach tour with a water cruise built in.'
said Smith.

Heading out: The passengers hope the driver knows where he's going. [Photo: chinanews.com.cn]

Heading out: The passengers hope the driver knows where he's
going. [Photo: chinanews.com.cn]



